ANACITY Business Workplace Facility Management: Challenges & Solutions

Workplace facility management is the cornerstone of maintaining a work environment. By investing in the development and operations of facilities in a workplace, For people to be productive and engaged in their work, it is critical that we invest in facilities that ensure optimal working conditions, security, safety, wellbeing of employees, and encourage collaboration.  

However, workplace facility management can be challenging even for the most efficient manager. With high operational costs, legacy systems, and heavy usage, facility managers often find themselves struggling to establish best practices that are also cost effective. ANACITY Business offers facility managers a single platform to consolidate all their requirements, thus ensuring both operational and cost efficiency. 

What is workplace facility management? 

Facility management in a workplace plays an important role of integrating people and processes within the built environment. It impacts workplace safety, procurement, space planning, and sustainability. Well-run facilities help us leverage health & safety standards, reduce energy consumption, and create a productive work environment. 

Challenges in workplace facility management

Cost Management: The maintenance and servicing of assets is usually the biggest expense in running any commercial space. A facility manager must ensure optimal operational costs while maintaining a high standard of services.

The financial management tools in ANACITY Business offer managers multiple means to monitor and cut down on costs. For instance, the Expense Tracker can be leveraged to identify wastage or over-consumption. Similarly, an Inventory Tracker can help pinpoint missing or misused inventory. 

Regulating access to facilities: Workplace facilities, like meeting rooms or fitness centres, can be both work and recreation related. These amenities play a crucial role in any workplace, creating a conducive working environment where people have the means to collaborate, come together, or relax. However, it can become challenging to regulate access, particularly to high-demand areas like meeting rooms or tennis courts. Paid facilities add to the challenge with invoicing issues.

The solution lies in regulating access through prior booking. ANACITY Business app streamlines access allowing people to easily book facilities on their chosen date and time. Pre-set time slots remove any possibility of double booking. Facility booking also helps in regulating access in special cases, such as an emergency or during a maintenance activity. 

Complaint management: Addressing complaints swiftly and in a time-bound manner is not just important for people’s satisfaction, it is also essential to ensure that facilities are maintained at the optimum level. Timely resolution ensures that small issues are addressed before they become unmanageable or too expensive to fix. 

Despite its importance, this is often a neglected area with facility managers still relying on call-ins or paperwork for tracking complaints. This often leads to gaps in complaint registrations and poor follow-up, leading to dissatisfaction. There is also no mechanism to analyse the problems or to leave feedback.

ANACITY Business resolves these challenges through an app-based complaint management system. Complaints are registered on the app and can also be marked as ‘Urgent’. Unaddressed complaints are escalated to the next level. Additionally, complainants can also check the status of the resolution and leave feedback. 

Analysing complaints: Most equipment breakdowns can be avoided if we can address emerging issues on time. In most cases, the actual problem can be unclear with facility managers addressing symptomatic issues. Legacy systems have no system to track any recurring problems or analysing the root cause. 

ANACITY Business empowers facility managers to carry out a Root Cause Analysis to identify the underlying reason for a recurring complaint. 

Facility & asset management: The maintenance and servicing of expensive equipment and furnishings is a key task for facility managers. Timely maintenance and quick servicing reduces breakdown. The challenge lies in accessing asset data and ensuring timely servicing.

ANACITY Business has a highly evolved facility and asset management module that is specially developed to meet the requirements of facility managers. Under an easy data access system, managers can view important asset information such as service history by simply scanning the asset’s QR code. They can set up a maintenance schedule with timely reminders. 

Access to compliance data: Adhering to government regulations, including building codes, health and safety standards, and environmental regulations, can be complex and time-consuming.

ANACITY Business acts as an information repository where all documents can be stored. These can be easily retrieved to ensure compliance with regulations. Paperless access to information has more efficient and manageable compliance procedures, minimising the risk of loss of information. This feature is also useful for tenant offices that easily access regulatory policies within their premises. 

Emergency Preparedness: Developing and maintaining effective emergency response plans for natural disasters, accidents, or other unexpected events is critical but can be challenging to implement. The biggest hurdle lies in getting people to follow emergency procedures. Lack of information and timely notice adds to the challenge. 

The app acts as an information repository for emergency preparedness. As a communication platform, it also empowers facility admins to post notices in dealing with any exigency. In addition, ANACITY Business helps admins restrict entry to specific areas during an emergency through smart access control. 

User Expectations: Meeting the evolving expectations of employees and tenants in terms of comfort, convenience, and modern amenities can be demanding. ANACITY Business offers facility managers multiple means to gather feedback and opinions through surveys and polls.

ANACITY Business empowers facility managers to address challenges while staying up to date with industry best practices while embracing innovation to ensure that commercial workplaces are safe, efficient, and conducive to productivity.

If you want to know more about ANACITY Business or schedule a free demo, get in touch with us at or visit