Email Service Reminders & Centralised Access: Workplace Asset Management with ANACITY Business

Efficient asset management is a pivotal concern for leaders in commercial real estate (CRE), exerting long-lasting impact across workplace operations, including regulatory compliance, employee contentment, and financial viability. Nonetheless, the approach towards workplace asset management remains disjointed. Many property management teams find themselves focusing solely on addressing repairs and maintenance reactively.

This fragmented strategy fails to integrate asset management holistically into operational frameworks. ANACITY Business addresses this challenge by offering facility managers a unified platform that consolidates various asset management functions, from data accessibility and maintenance planning. 

The centralised approach improves convenience and effectiveness while ensuring optimal asset utilisation. Importantly, it gives us data insight that can be leveraged to facilitate tenant satisfaction and engagement.

Importance of workplace asset management 

In commercial real estate, assets can be anything from office furniture to buildings. Given their substantial value, implementing a robust asset management system is essential. It facilitates cost optimisation, resource allocation, and tenant satisfaction. At the same time, it can help mitigate accidents caused by badly run equipment. 

ANACITY Business makes asset management simpler by:

Centralised asset management: ANACITY Business offers a single platform for facility managers to store data. Managers can create asset groups for easy overview. It ensures access to relevant information at any time and from anywhere. For instance, the Inventory Tracking feature ensures that mangers can spot depleting stock levels at a glance. 

Maintenance planning: This is a crucial task in any workplace asset management system. With ANACITY Business, asset or facility managers can create a maintenance schedule and track service history. 

Reminder system: The system ensures that admins and facility managers receive timely reminders for regular maintenance. It ensures that every piece of equipment is in optimal condition. This is crucial in complying with safety standards and, thus, reducing the risk of accidents. 

QR-code view: Under the system, every asset is assigned a QR code. Users can scan this code for an instant view of the asset data and its service history. 

Proactive management: The app includes a Complaint Management modules where users register complaints regarding any breakdown of assets and equipmnets. Thus, it helps managers to improve their workplace asset management by identifying issues before they become too expensive or impossible to resolve.

Data analysis: As a digital solution, ANACITY Business offers instant access to highly important data, including asset income and expenses. This data is crucial in taking decisions on asset maintenance and spending. 

In short, ANACITY Business makes workplace asset management easier and more effective, leading to happier tenants and safer buildings.